Thursday 2 August 2012

“In the future everybody will be world famous for fifteen minutes you cant choose the fifteen minutes but why would you be world famous?”

Each and every individual has their own attributes in which they thrive for.. and we sometimes perceive these attributes good or bad.  Every one or in fact every young person has something to claim or offer the world with their uniqueness and ideas, but that is up to the way we execute and present those ideas.

One thing I know I will be famous for is, if not for my big whole heart, then for being able to land a helping hand,  I was raised in such a way that you cannot let the person next to you suffer, if you are able to help then do, and you cannot eat whilst the person next to you is not eating and you know that they are starving. Those are two of the most important principles that were instilled in me not only by my parents but by the community as a whole.

Even though these may seem as nothing or little or that they don’t matter but believe me, they do matter. By me doing that little bit I am actually helping someone and that is seen as doing good. You don’t have to be famous for what you do, but if you are happy and content with whatever you are doing then surely good things shall follow you where ever you go.
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