Thursday 30 August 2012

Women’s month = Women’s grief

 In August every year we celebrate the  women of this country, these are the women who took it in their selves to act and do something about the situation and the challenges they were facing. These were the brave women, women of steel.
Today exactly during women’s month we see and hear of stories of women being attacked and raped, where is the humanity in that? What happened to Ubuntu? How does one live with them selves after raping a women of 80+ years? These are the women that are supposed to be our pillars of strengths and yet there are people who thrive by doing bad things to them.
Raped  and brutally beaten
We are also faced with women being attacked because of their sexuality, how does one’s sexuality affect or even offend the other I mean after all it is their choice, many women have been attacked, raped or even murdered in front of their loved ones all because they are “LESBAINS”.

What has our country come to? Do we hate one another so much that much that we are even prepared to take their lives. All know that is that the bible says “do not judge for the same judgement shall be passed onto you” we are all Africans, we are all humans, the least we can do is tolerate each other, despite our cultural background or our sexual orientation.

Images sourced:

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