Thursday 31 May 2012

‘I am an African’

The greatest pleasure we all share is that we are all Africans and dare no one say otherwise. The first step to happiness is to acknowledge your being, accepting the past and looking forward to the future.
A few days ago we celebrated Africa day and what better way to celebrate the day than to be proud of beings Africans, is it you are green, yellow, and white, black and navy we should all be proud of beings Africans

Our former president Mr Thabo Mbeki delivered a speech entitled “I am an African” This speech is one that helps us understand where we come from. One thing that saddens me the most is that we as Africans we would rather forget our roots, I can gladly say that I am proud to be an African, not just an African  but a black young women leaving in such a diverse country like ours. If we could all accept and learn to tolerate one another we can achieve great things.

While some young people are not proud, they would rather forget their roots and some wish they can change their ethnicity, i say take a moment and reflect on your history, use it to enrich your knowledge don’t use history as a tool to suppress others. Let’s rather learn from the past, and use it to brighten and better our futures.

Mr. Mbeki said... ......“I owe my being to the hills and the valleys, the mountains and the glades, the rivers, the deserts, the trees, the flowers, the seas, and the ever-changing seasons that defines the face our native land”......

This speech is the one that motivates me and reminds me why I am an African. I wouldn’t want to change anything about me, i am me because im unique born and raised into poverty but that does not define who I am, I AM AN AFRICAN

“I am the child of Nongqause; I am he who made it possible to trade in the world markets in diamonds, in gold, in the same food that my stomach yearns”


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Our greatest strengths are our greatest weakness

We as humans have our greatest strength as well as our greatest weakness; question is what are strengths and weaknesses. A person that knows their strengths and weakness is more in control, because they can work on mastering their strengths and improving the weakness.
A man great strength should compliment his weakness. In reality we all know that no man is perfect we know that we all got weaknesses and it is up to us to work on our weakness and try to change them into our strengths.
A practical example is men........their greatest strengths is women and their greatest weakness is women.......ok i know that I’m generalising here and that i will come across as being sexist , but this is the case for most men. A man would be happily married with children then he comes across with good looking women and suddenly he can’t control his emotions and thoughts. This might be the same as most women.
Admitting your weakness makes you better person it does not matter what that weakness is, it might be women, men, or even alcohol and for some it might be money (they just can’t keep their hands to themselves). If you start little who knows you night even overcome your weakness and not let it take control of your life

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Tuesday 15 May 2012

Turning the BIG 21 in style…………….part 2

So the last time I last posted about my big, I said u had to wait and see. Well the time is now the day was on Saturday May 12, 2012. Weather was nice and hot and the people were exquisite (great crowd).
A convoy from my sister’s house of 9 cars all family cars, my friends (Zandile, Nontando and Priscilla) were also there to show some support. Remember it was two ceremonies first the graduation then 21 party………………let me not spoil the fun let the pictures do the talking………….
My cousins during phase 1: graduation

Zandi and Me: Graduat

Feelings follow behaviour.

This is so true in every way……the way we feel is somehow influenced or determined the way other people or even us act towards certain things or the way we act is influenced by the way feel. This could either be good or bad depends on the situation we are in and on the way people see things.
A practical example would be a guy who likes a certain girl; before he could act he needs to feel something right? A person who is deeply hurt might act in such a way that they hurt people around them.
Another practical example is that of a child from abusive home, how does he act towards other children? Could this be because of the fact that one of his parents was abusive the other? And they feel that it is right to bully other children.  Children in this case would feel vulnerable and hurt so to ease their pain the only thing they can think of is act the same way he knows right.

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Turning 21 in style............. :-)

For years i could not wait to turn 21, the BIG 21. Well guess what i finally turned 21, and it was not what i expected. In my culture turning 21 is a big thing,  it is a big thing more if you reached the age without falling pregnant ....take a guess ii don’t have a thing, are you keeping up? Its two, achievements now.
Again not long ago we graduated, so its three achievements in one year,  so i turned 21 in style want to know something i managed to achieve three milestones that most people struggle to get especially in my culture.  It is these kind of achievements that makes our parents proud turning 21, graduating, no child is a big deal.
I bet you cant wait to see what’s next...........well i guess you will have to wait and see....
TO BE CONTINUED........... 

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Its better to practise a little than talk a lot

“Actions speaks louder than words” a term we are all used to, we always use this term. Lets explore it a bit. This topic is really something we need to look at and something we need to try and incorporate with our daily lives.
For example take a ordinary person from the rural areas, this is a person who is determined to make something of their lives, they know things will not be delivered to them on a silver platter, they know that they will not receive by just talking, of course im not saying that others receive things on silver platter, but the reality of the matter is there are those who talks a lot and things get done, while others act and nothing gets done.
But lets be honest guys in this life time we got two types of people, 1) the actors: people who talk less and act more....2) talkers: people who like to talk or (brag) i call them smooth talkers.
The talkers they got smooth tongue, know how to approach people and what to say at what time, they can be able to get people to work and do things while they are busy chatting. Actors they seldom speak they believe in doing things,  because they know what they want.
Either way i say we as people and especially students we need to act more and talk less, of course some may disagree, we need to take the initiative to do things and if we do things that we get to learn more and we can change the way we view life in general........ So i say “Talk is cheap” everyone and anyone can say the same thing but that will depend on each person’s reactions.
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Thursday 3 May 2012

Wedding cake in the middle of the road

What is the cake doing in the middle of the road? Poor bride is worried sick about the r cake. Is the road supposed to be the reception area? No bride ever dreams of a wedding without a wedding cake.

This is part of the whole package, there’s that romantic picture taken where the bride and groom are cutting the cake and feeding each other. Now the cake is missing in action, this is a nightmare!
Every bride imagines her day to be special and a wedding without a wedding cake is a tragic. The day will always be associated with bad luck and bad memories. Only one thing the couple could do is to learn and never leave things for the very last moment.

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Whose tradition is it?

According to: "Traditions are practiced in many distinct forms. Traditions are commonly known as ritualistic practices that are passed on generation after generation; they're passed through society, family and individual influences. Some traditions are based on religious beliefs. Other traditions may provide an understanding of a particular culture. Whichever way a tradition is learned, it will always define the principles of customs for the people who practice them."

These are the question I would like to have them answered, by someone. Because I fail understand why is important that I do something that my parents and their parents believe in, what can I possible gain by doing those things. But tradition is there for a reason because it what guides and drives us, our tradition sets aside, makes us unique to everyone.
A nation that knows where they are coming from they know where they are going , these are just words but they actually mean something and everyone can relate to those words, because everyone wants to make something of their lives .Some do not want part of this tradition, as soon as they arrive in the big cities they forgot or chose to forget where they come from.
I made a promise to myself that I would not forget my tradition nor will I forget I come from.

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