Thursday 3 May 2012

Whose tradition is it?

According to: "Traditions are practiced in many distinct forms. Traditions are commonly known as ritualistic practices that are passed on generation after generation; they're passed through society, family and individual influences. Some traditions are based on religious beliefs. Other traditions may provide an understanding of a particular culture. Whichever way a tradition is learned, it will always define the principles of customs for the people who practice them."

These are the question I would like to have them answered, by someone. Because I fail understand why is important that I do something that my parents and their parents believe in, what can I possible gain by doing those things. But tradition is there for a reason because it what guides and drives us, our tradition sets aside, makes us unique to everyone.
A nation that knows where they are coming from they know where they are going , these are just words but they actually mean something and everyone can relate to those words, because everyone wants to make something of their lives .Some do not want part of this tradition, as soon as they arrive in the big cities they forgot or chose to forget where they come from.
I made a promise to myself that I would not forget my tradition nor will I forget I come from.

Pictures sourced:

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