Thursday 31 May 2012

‘I am an African’

The greatest pleasure we all share is that we are all Africans and dare no one say otherwise. The first step to happiness is to acknowledge your being, accepting the past and looking forward to the future.
A few days ago we celebrated Africa day and what better way to celebrate the day than to be proud of beings Africans, is it you are green, yellow, and white, black and navy we should all be proud of beings Africans

Our former president Mr Thabo Mbeki delivered a speech entitled “I am an African” This speech is one that helps us understand where we come from. One thing that saddens me the most is that we as Africans we would rather forget our roots, I can gladly say that I am proud to be an African, not just an African  but a black young women leaving in such a diverse country like ours. If we could all accept and learn to tolerate one another we can achieve great things.

While some young people are not proud, they would rather forget their roots and some wish they can change their ethnicity, i say take a moment and reflect on your history, use it to enrich your knowledge don’t use history as a tool to suppress others. Let’s rather learn from the past, and use it to brighten and better our futures.

Mr. Mbeki said... ......“I owe my being to the hills and the valleys, the mountains and the glades, the rivers, the deserts, the trees, the flowers, the seas, and the ever-changing seasons that defines the face our native land”......

This speech is the one that motivates me and reminds me why I am an African. I wouldn’t want to change anything about me, i am me because im unique born and raised into poverty but that does not define who I am, I AM AN AFRICAN

“I am the child of Nongqause; I am he who made it possible to trade in the world markets in diamonds, in gold, in the same food that my stomach yearns”


Images sourced:

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